
運動肌肉配方-Dymatize Nutrition, Elite100%乳清蛋白粉思尼克塗鴉曲奇味5磅(2.27盎司)

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  • Zytrix - Advanced Enzyme Matrix
  • Cross-Flow Microfiltration Whey Protein Isolate
  • Protein 25 Grams
  • BCAAs 5.5 Grams
  • Glutamine 4 Grams
  • Sugars** 1 Gram
  • Naturally & Artificially Flavored
  • Protein Powder
  • Gluten-Free
  • - Trusted by Sport
Get the most out of your workout with Elite Whey!

The Highest Quality Protein. Elite Whey provides 25 grams of 100% Whey Protein per serving. Whey is considered to be the best source of protein due to its high Biological Value (BV), Amino Acid Profile, and fast absorption to give your body what it needs to build muscle and recover.

Loaded with Muscle Fuel. Each serving of Elite Whey delivers 5.5 grams of Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs), which are depleted during intense training. BCAAs act directly in muscles to help promote the building of protein and speed recovery. Elite Whey also delivers 2.7 grams of L-Leucine, the BCAA that is directly involved in activating muscle protein synthesis, the process that builds your muscles and allows you to get stronger.

Delicious Taste. Dymatize has taken flavor to a whole new level! Our in-house flavor specialists worked long and hard to create even more decadent flavors we know you will enjoy. Elite Whey, the reward you deserve for all your hard work and dedication. So delightfully delicious, you will look forward to the next shake.

Your Ambition. Our Nutrition

**Naturally Occurring

Dymatize Nutrition, Elite100%乳清蛋白粉,思尼克塗鴉曲奇味,5磅(2.27盎司)







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